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Crossfit Rowing Machines


No matter if you're try to make the team, go to college, or just get fitter...

It's no secret: rowing is expensive.  But it's a priority for so many of us.  ​ That's why I want to offer a range of services for any athlete looking to improve, because there are always steps you can take.  From baseline assessments, to general programs to more custom workout plans designed specifically for you and your goals, I've got your back.


Let's pick a goal together and get started: 

Bite Sized Coaching

Book a 1:1 to Work on personal Goals 


Mental Toughness

Injury Prevention



Take an Assessment and get Personalized Results

Personal Plans

Want a Personal Plan? Lets Chat

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Meet Sam Kelsey

Hi I'm Samantha.  Fitness is a journey, not a destination. As a certified personal trainer, I am committed to helping my clients achieve not only rowing goals but all health and wellness goals through  training programs.  Whether you're looking to cut down your 2k, get recruited,  build strength, lose weight, or simply feel better in your own skin, I'm here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Learn More
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